Why Thee Washers is the Best Commercial Laundry in Chennai During COVID Times

February 17,2021


The COVID pandemic has turned the world on its head and has made us re-think a lot about everyday life activities. Even with the roll-out of vaccines, the general consensus is that wearing masks is compulsory and that social distancing will need to be maintained.

In such a case, a lot of individuals and businesses are dependent on commercial laundry operations for their cloth washing operations. These include students, busy professionals, hospitality, services and aviation companies, among others. Many commercial laundry companies in Chennai and dry cleaning companies in Chennai were caught on the wrong foot as the pandemic raged.

But Theewashers took extraordinary measures and applied respected best practices to not only tackle the challenge head-on but also ensure that all stakeholders felt safe about all aspects of cloth washing, Laundry services in Chennai and dry cleaning services in Chennai.

As the best commercial laundry company in Chennai, Theewashers has taken specific steps to ensure that all laundry is handled correctly and that there is no risk of COVID due to laundry being supplied or handled.

Some of the steps implemented by Theewashers are

  • Compulsory wearing of masks by employees (including but not limited to those in laundry shop counters, who pick up and drop clothes from establishments and in-house employees engaged in washing, cleaning, disinfecting and pressing operations)
  • Mandatory social distancing at all times, including on the shop floor and in premise
  • Compulsory use of hand sanitisers and frequent hand-washing for all staff and visitors
  • All laundry is washed with steam and laundry sanitiser is compulsorily used during washing.
  • All equipment is sanitised, and the premises are also sanitised frequently.
  • Daily and frequent temperature check of all employees, laundry shop and delivery personnelare conducted.

The above measures have ensured that the most stringent standards expected from commercial organisations have been adhered to. The same benefits are passed on to residential consumers undertaking commercial laundry services in Chennai.

Theewashers with over 15+ years of commercial laundry and dry cleaning experience in Chennai have proved beyond doubt that they are a trusted laundry shop. They have now expanded to offer same day laundry service in Chennai and same day drycleaning services in Chennai.

For more details, contact us

Tags :

drycleaningLaundry servicesCommercial laundry service

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